Provided through your medical plan carrier for all the medical plans — Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), Kaiser, Surest and UnitedHealthcare (UHC).
Looking for information about the 2024 care coordination? See Care Coordination (2024). |
With Care Coordination, you have a team of health care professionals working together to make sure you get the best care possible. They can help you find network providers, answer questions about your coverage, submit and manage claims, access resources, understand your treatment options and prescription drugs, share information so everyone is on the same page about your health, and more.
It’s all about making your health care experience easier, so you can make the best health care decisions possible and get the right care at the right time.
Care Coordination is automatically included in your Alera Group medical plan coverage, at no additional cost to you.
Who Provides Your Care Coordination
Who provides Care Coordination depends on your medical plan carrier.
UHC | BCBS | Surest | Kaiser (California Only) |
UHC provides Care Coordination support directly for you. | BCBS provides Care Coordination support directly for you. | Surest provides Care Coordination support directly for you. | Kaiser provides Care Coordination support directly for you. |
If you are just getting started and looking for support in understanding your benefit coverage, what is available to you, and the differences between offerings, then the Alera Group Benefits Center Member Advocates can assist you as your first stop for these resources. |